Tuesday, March 22, 2011

And they lived happily ever after


I am expressing my doubt here.

I just came back to reality from a very lovely date. We had, exactly 25 hours. Minus off we slept 6 hours. Every moment is so precious. You told me, this is something that people being together always would never understand. Yes. We used to take the 'being together' thing for granted. Now even just holding your hand and walking around, I already feel lovely enough...

No matter what you suggest, I already decided. I want our wedding's theme song to be 'Pretty Flowers'. I don't care!

For the days we can be still together, I wish to dedicate this picture to both of us.


Happy 3rd anniversary. We are heading into our 4th year. And of course. More to come.

p/s: Thou I doubt, I still hope miracle like 'happily ever after' happens.